Michael Warner has been drifting in a numb haze since his lover was killed by a drunk driver. As the anniversary of the wreck approaches, Michael’s grief grows more suffocating. Yet he must find a way through the maze of pain and secrets to live for their troubled young daughter who struggles with guilt that she survived the crash.
Out of the darkness comes a voice, a lifeline he never expected to find—Rebecca O’Neill, a development executive in the studio where Michael works as an electrician.
Rebecca, a former sitcom celebrity left scarred from a crazed fan’s attack, has retreated from the limelight and from life in general, certain no man can ever get past her disfigurement. The instant sparks between her and Michael, who arrives to help her during a power outage, come as a complete surprise—and so does her uncanny bond with his daughter.
For the first time, all three feel compelled to examine their inner and outer scars in the light of love. But trust is hard to come by, especially when you’re not sure what to believe when you look in the mirror. The scars? Or the truth?
It would be funny if I randomly showed up on one of your covers out of nowhere.
I know nothing of the romance novel genre - but I am more swol than those dudes you got up there.
Yes, I may be coming off as a little arrogant.
But, who cares?
Great posting. Thanks for shairing that.
Hello There,
My name is Marlene and I'm a professional blogger.
I have over three years of experience writing for the web and have covered plenty of interesting topics.
I noticed that you have a blog and was wondering if you would be interested in allowing me to write relevant, useful topics on your blog at no cost.
At this point in my writing career, I simply want to get more visibility for my writing and I will write for free as long as you are okay with me adding a small author bio section next to each blog post about myself.
Please let me know if you're interested and if you'd like for me to submit a sample blog post for your approval.
Thanks a bunch,
Hello There,
My name is Marlene and I'm a professional blogger.
I have over three years of experience writing for the web and have covered plenty of interesting topics.
I noticed that you have a blog and was wondering if you would be interested in allowing me to write relevant, useful topics on your blog at no cost.
At this point in my writing career, I simply want to get more visibility for my writing and I will write for free as long as you are okay with me adding a small author bio section next to each blog post about myself.
Please let me know if you're interested and if you'd like for me to submit a sample blog post for your approval.
Thanks a bunch,
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